AKS, ACR and Bicep Lang logs

Creating a Azure Kubernetes cluster with an attached Azure Container Registry with Bicep

Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) simplifies deploying a managed Kubernetes cluster into Azure by offloading the operational overhead to Azure. Azure Container Registry allows you to build, store and manage container images in a private registry, from which you can pull your images into your AKS cluster. Azure Container Registry integrates with AKS. We can attach container registries to our AKS clusters using an Azure Active Directory managed identity. We can then assign that managed identity will the AcrPull role assignment that allows our AKS cluster to pull images from our Azure Container Registry....

September 11, 2022 · 8 min · Will Velida
Introduction to Azure Container Apps

Intro to Container Apps

Azure Container Apps is a serverless container platform that we can use to run microservices and containerized applications without having to worry about managing complex infrastructure and container orchestrations. In this video, I introduce the key concepts and features of Azure Container Apps and go through a demo on how you can create a simple Container App using Bicep. If you have any question about this video or Azure Container Apps in general, feel free to comment below or reach out to me on Twitter....

May 15, 2022 · 1 min · Will Velida