Getting Started with Dedicated Workload profiles for Azure Container Apps

Getting Started with Dedicated Workload profiles for Azure Container Apps

About mid-April, the Azure Container Apps team announced a public preview of a new hosting plan and pricing structure for hosting your Container Apps. By default, there was a Serverless consumption hosting plan which you can use to host your Container Apps. This provided support for scale-to-zero scenarios and you’d only pay for resources that your application would use. With the Dedicated hosting plan now in preview, you still have the option of having a fully managed environment for hosting your Container Apps with scale-to-zero capabilities, but in addition to this you can also run applications with customized hardware using Dedicated workload profiles....

May 1, 2023 · 7 min · Will Velida
Scaling in Azure Container Apps

Scaling in Azure Container Apps

Azure Container Apps manages automatic horizontal scaling through declarative scaling rules. We can scale out our container apps based on a variety of different scalers. I recorded a video over the weekend covering how scaling works in Azure Container Apps, what KEDA is and how to set scaling rules within Azure Container Apps, using HTTP and Azure Queue storage scale rules as an example. If you prefer reading rather than watching, continue reading this post....

December 17, 2022 · 5 min · Will Velida
GitHub and Docker logos

Pushing container images to GitHub Container Registry

In my job, I build a lot of samples that I share with customers to show them how things work. A lot of my customers are interested in Azure Container Apps, so I want to be able to provide them with samples with pre-built container images, without having to share the entire application source code as well (especially if I’ve got a bunch of basic microservices, that don’t really need to be included in the sample)....

December 1, 2022 · 5 min · Will Velida
Azure Container Apps code with Dapr and ACA logo

Dapr Service Invocation with Azure Container Apps

I had a bit of time last week to do some Dapr learning, so I started to read the Dapr for .NET Developers e-book that’s available on our documentation (completely free by the way!). In one of the early chapters, the book outlines a tutorial that you can run locally to use service invocation to communicate between to two applications. Running locally is fairly straightforward, so I wanted to deploy the two applications as Container Apps, since it has support for Dapr in the platform....

November 6, 2022 · 8 min · Will Velida
AKS, ACR and Bicep Lang logs

Creating a Azure Kubernetes cluster with an attached Azure Container Registry with Bicep

Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) simplifies deploying a managed Kubernetes cluster into Azure by offloading the operational overhead to Azure. Azure Container Registry allows you to build, store and manage container images in a private registry, from which you can pull your images into your AKS cluster. Azure Container Registry integrates with AKS. We can attach container registries to our AKS clusters using an Azure Active Directory managed identity. We can then assign that managed identity will the AcrPull role assignment that allows our AKS cluster to pull images from our Azure Container Registry....

September 11, 2022 · 8 min · Will Velida