Cosmos DB, Managed Identities, Functions logo

Using Managed Identities to authenticate with Azure Cosmos DB

In Azure, Managed Identities provide our Azure resources with an identity within Azure Active Directory. We can use this identity to authenticate with any service in Azure that supports Azure AD authentication without having to manage credentials. In Azure Cosmos DB, we can use managed identities to provide resources with the roles and permissions required to perform actions on our data (depending on what role we provide the identity) without having to use any connection strings or access keys to do so....

March 24, 2022 · 8 min · Will Velida
Implementing Blue/Green Deployments with Azure Web Apps for Containers

Implementing Blue/Green Deployments with Azure Web Apps for Containers

Application uptime is critical for our cloud applications. Using Azure App Service slots, we can implement the Blue/Green deployment pattern to validate that new versions of our application will perform as expected in a production environment, without causing downtime to our existing version of our application. With App Service slots, we can deploy new versions of our container images to our Green slot, run tests against that slot to ensure that everything is working and then direct incoming traffic to our updated container image....

February 26, 2022 · 16 min · Will Velida
Azure Container Apps Logo

Creating and Provisioning Azure Container Apps with Bicep

Using Bicep, we can deploy and manage all the resources required for our Azure Container Apps. In this post, we’ll write a Bicep template that defines all the infrastructure required for our Container App and deploy it using the AZ CLI. In our Bicep template, we’ll be deploying the following resources: A Log Analytics workspace. Azure Container Registry An Azure Container App Environment A Container App. Before we kick this off, it’s REALLY IMPORTANT to note that Container Apps is currently in preview!...

February 18, 2022 · 10 min · Will Velida