
If/Else and Conditional Statements in Go

In Go, we can use conditional statements to execute code based on different conditions. We can also use if, else if and if else statements to execute code provided if a condition is true or false. If/else statements are commonplace in programming, so if you’re already a seasoned programmer you won’t spend long here. But as always, we’ll take our time and make sure we understand fully what’s going on....

March 14, 2022 · 4 min · Will Velida
Go lang

Types in Go

So the Golang learning adventure continues! We have our developer environment setup so we’re ready to dive into more Golang code. In this post, I’ll be talking about types and variables in Go. If you’ve used other languages, you may notice as we go through this that Go has some differences in how it uses types compared to other languages. In this article, we’ll be covering: What types are available to us?...

March 11, 2022 · 5 min · Will Velida
Go lang

Setting up our Go Development Environment

I’ve been wanting to learn Go for a while now. I’ve tried and failed to keep my learning consistent, so I’ve decided to force myself to keep on top of my learning through a couple of avenues: This Blog I’ve set up. This GitHub repo. In that GitHub repo, I’ll be adding content on both Golang itself and building applications with Go that use Azure. I’ll be building this repo up over time, but if you have a particular sample or scenario that you’d like me to create, please feel free to raise an issue....

March 10, 2022 · 6 min · Will Velida