Introduction to analyzing text with Azure AI Language Service and C#

Introduction to analyzing text with Azure AI Language Service and C#

How much text data do you produce on a daily basis? This could be in the form of an email you send to a colleague, or posts you send on social media. You may have gone to a new restaurant and given them a review online, or you could have created some documents such as contracts as part of your work. Now imagine all that data being created on a global scale....

November 22, 2023 · 15 min · Will Velida
Using Assertion Scopes to execute multiple Assertions in C#

Using Assertion Scopes to execute multiple Assertions in C#

Fluent Assertions is a .NET library that provides use with a bunch of useful extension methods that allow us to test our C# code in a more natural way. Let’s say for example we are testing the output of a string. Without Fluent Assertions, we might write something like this: string testString = "hello"; string expectedOutput = testString.ToUpper(); Assert.Equal(expectedOutput, "HELLO"); If we were to write this test using Fluent Assertions, we could do so like this:...

June 27, 2023 · 4 min · Will Velida