Using Workload Identities for Bicep Deployments in GitHub Actions

Using Workload Identities for Bicep Deployments in GitHub Actions

As I’ve been working on my side project, I’ve been trying to work on my CI/CD skills and deploy all my resources through GitHub Actions. This project is made up of a couple of services, which each have their own infrastructure and application code. I’m deploying my resources to a single resource group in Azure. To deploy infrastructure to Azure via GitHub Actions, we need to authenticate to our Azure subscription....

June 24, 2023 · 7 min · Will Velida
Building Your Network in the Cloud: A Beginner's Guide to Azure Virtual Networks

Building Your Network in the Cloud: A Beginner's Guide to Azure Virtual Networks

What are virtual networks? As you look to move workloads to the cloud, it’s important to have a secure and scalable network infrastructure that can support your applications. In Azure, this is where virtual networks come in. Virtual networks (VNet for short) are the fundamental building block for your private network in Azure. They enable many types of Azure resources to communicate with each other, the internet and on-prem networks securely....

April 29, 2023 · 10 min · Will Velida
Availability tests in Application Insights

How to create availability tests for App Service using Bicep

One important aspect of any web application is its availability. Azure provides many tools that ensures your application is up and running, one of them being availability tests, which allow you to periodically check the availability of your application. You can also generate alerts should your web application become unavailable. You can configure availability tests and alerts in your Bicep templates, automating the entire process! In this article, we’ll create a Bicep template that provisions all the resources that we’ll need (the web app, Application Insights instance, action groups etc....

January 26, 2023 · 10 min · Will Velida
Scaling in Azure Container Apps

Scaling in Azure Container Apps

Azure Container Apps manages automatic horizontal scaling through declarative scaling rules. We can scale out our container apps based on a variety of different scalers. I recorded a video over the weekend covering how scaling works in Azure Container Apps, what KEDA is and how to set scaling rules within Azure Container Apps, using HTTP and Azure Queue storage scale rules as an example. If you prefer reading rather than watching, continue reading this post....

December 17, 2022 · 5 min · Will Velida
Azure Container Apps code with Dapr and ACA logo

Dapr Service Invocation with Azure Container Apps

I had a bit of time last week to do some Dapr learning, so I started to read the Dapr for .NET Developers e-book that’s available on our documentation (completely free by the way!). In one of the early chapters, the book outlines a tutorial that you can run locally to use service invocation to communicate between to two applications. Running locally is fairly straightforward, so I wanted to deploy the two applications as Container Apps, since it has support for Dapr in the platform....

November 6, 2022 · 8 min · Will Velida