Getting started with Azure Cognitive Search in C#

Getting started with Azure Cognitive Search in C#

Azure Cognitive Search is a search service in Azure that gives you as a developer the tools for building search experiences over private data in your enterprise, web and mobile applications. Common use cases for search can include any scenario that surfaces text to users, such as searching a product catalog, or searching documents within your organization. Azure Search provides you with a bunch of cool capabilities, including: Full text and vector search over search indexes containing your content....

September 27, 2023 · 15 min · Will Velida
Using Workload Identities for Bicep Deployments in GitHub Actions

Using Workload Identities for Bicep Deployments in GitHub Actions

As I’ve been working on my side project, I’ve been trying to work on my CI/CD skills and deploy all my resources through GitHub Actions. This project is made up of a couple of services, which each have their own infrastructure and application code. I’m deploying my resources to a single resource group in Azure. To deploy infrastructure to Azure via GitHub Actions, we need to authenticate to our Azure subscription....

June 24, 2023 · 7 min · Will Velida
Getting Started with Dedicated Workload profiles for Azure Container Apps

Getting Started with Dedicated Workload profiles for Azure Container Apps

About mid-April, the Azure Container Apps team announced a public preview of a new hosting plan and pricing structure for hosting your Container Apps. By default, there was a Serverless consumption hosting plan which you can use to host your Container Apps. This provided support for scale-to-zero scenarios and you’d only pay for resources that your application would use. With the Dedicated hosting plan now in preview, you still have the option of having a fully managed environment for hosting your Container Apps with scale-to-zero capabilities, but in addition to this you can also run applications with customized hardware using Dedicated workload profiles....

May 1, 2023 · 7 min · Will Velida
Building Your Network in the Cloud: A Beginner's Guide to Azure Virtual Networks

Building Your Network in the Cloud: A Beginner's Guide to Azure Virtual Networks

What are virtual networks? As you look to move workloads to the cloud, it’s important to have a secure and scalable network infrastructure that can support your applications. In Azure, this is where virtual networks come in. Virtual networks (VNet for short) are the fundamental building block for your private network in Azure. They enable many types of Azure resources to communicate with each other, the internet and on-prem networks securely....

April 29, 2023 · 10 min · Will Velida
Availability tests in Application Insights

Making sense of your logs with Log Analytics: A Beginner's Guide

What is Log Analytics? Azure Log Analytics is a tool as part of Azure Monitor that we can use to query data stored in the Azure Monitor Logs store. As administrators or developers, we would use Log Analytics in the Azure portal to configure input data sources (such as Container Apps, App Service, Cosmos DB etc.) and then query thier Azure Monitor logs to gain insights on those resources. If you’ve worked with Azure for while, you’ve probably heard of (or even used) Log Analytics....

April 26, 2023 · 10 min · Will Velida